Facing the Giants
I always stand amaze how God sends along the right message or messenger to speak through to me at the exact time I needed to hear it.
For instance, last fall, the movie ""Facing the Giants" came out and everyone raved about what an incredible movie it was and how I needed to see it. I did hope to support it in the movie theater at the time knowing that it was a Christian movie, and God knows we need more movies like that in the theaters. But for whatever reason, I just never made it to the theater to see it. Fast forward to this past weekend, I was in Blockbuster and saw it had come out on DVD, and thought "Oh yay, this sounds like perfect timing to see it considering certain giants I've been facing lately!"
I took it home, and let me tell you, I have never cried so hard at a movie. Now, I'm not really a big football fan, but for me to cry over a football movie, you know it had to be good. I just loved the message of the movie being that yes, we will have giants attack us in life, but WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! I also loved how the message was about how our gifts and talents are not for our own victory, but for using them as a tools to bless others in the Lord's name. That has always been my greatest prayer in whatever creative endeavor I have pursued. It was so good that the next day I even took it over to my parents to make my dad sit down and watch it. I could have sworn I heard him sniffle a few times.
If you haven't seen the movie yet, you must rent it! Here's the trailer:
Then today, I got the sweetest card from my great-aunt Ruby from the small town of Varnville, South Carolina (But as small as it is, they did film parts of Forest Gump there). Aunt Ruby is an incredible Christian woman who I have always looked up to and admired for her strength to carry on and never complain. Having lost her husband at an early age, she has two handicapped boys, Chris and Larry, who she has had to take care of by herself her entire life. They are in their 50s now, and even in her late 80s, she lives each day to provide for and love her boys, when most others are taking care of their parents at that age. Though she is unable to work, somehow the Lord always provides for the 3 of them, and this year I really felt God tug at my heart to commit my tithe for this entire year to her to bless their family. In January I sent her the first check from my income that month, and this is the touching card I received today from her.
"Dearest Scarlett,
Thank you so much for the check. May the world always be as beautiful for you as you make it for others! It was so thoughtful of you to bless Larry, Chris and I like that. You are the most wonderful, beautiful, and thoughtful young lady I've ever known. You are such a wonderful blessing. We all love you very much!
In Christian love,
Aunt Ruby"
Again, I was in tears. I'm just always so humbled to be used by the Lord to make a difference in someone else's life. Here's a pic of me and Aunt Ruby from a recent visit.

And here's one of me dancing with my cousin Chris in his Elvis adorned room. He is the BIGGEST Elvis fan you will ever meet! But more importantly, despite his handicap circumstance, he is one of the most genuine beautiful happiest souls I've ever met. There is a lot to be learned in that alone.
For instance, last fall, the movie ""Facing the Giants" came out and everyone raved about what an incredible movie it was and how I needed to see it. I did hope to support it in the movie theater at the time knowing that it was a Christian movie, and God knows we need more movies like that in the theaters. But for whatever reason, I just never made it to the theater to see it. Fast forward to this past weekend, I was in Blockbuster and saw it had come out on DVD, and thought "Oh yay, this sounds like perfect timing to see it considering certain giants I've been facing lately!"
I took it home, and let me tell you, I have never cried so hard at a movie. Now, I'm not really a big football fan, but for me to cry over a football movie, you know it had to be good. I just loved the message of the movie being that yes, we will have giants attack us in life, but WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! I also loved how the message was about how our gifts and talents are not for our own victory, but for using them as a tools to bless others in the Lord's name. That has always been my greatest prayer in whatever creative endeavor I have pursued. It was so good that the next day I even took it over to my parents to make my dad sit down and watch it. I could have sworn I heard him sniffle a few times.
If you haven't seen the movie yet, you must rent it! Here's the trailer:
Then today, I got the sweetest card from my great-aunt Ruby from the small town of Varnville, South Carolina (But as small as it is, they did film parts of Forest Gump there). Aunt Ruby is an incredible Christian woman who I have always looked up to and admired for her strength to carry on and never complain. Having lost her husband at an early age, she has two handicapped boys, Chris and Larry, who she has had to take care of by herself her entire life. They are in their 50s now, and even in her late 80s, she lives each day to provide for and love her boys, when most others are taking care of their parents at that age. Though she is unable to work, somehow the Lord always provides for the 3 of them, and this year I really felt God tug at my heart to commit my tithe for this entire year to her to bless their family. In January I sent her the first check from my income that month, and this is the touching card I received today from her.
"Dearest Scarlett,
Thank you so much for the check. May the world always be as beautiful for you as you make it for others! It was so thoughtful of you to bless Larry, Chris and I like that. You are the most wonderful, beautiful, and thoughtful young lady I've ever known. You are such a wonderful blessing. We all love you very much!
In Christian love,
Aunt Ruby"
Again, I was in tears. I'm just always so humbled to be used by the Lord to make a difference in someone else's life. Here's a pic of me and Aunt Ruby from a recent visit.

And here's one of me dancing with my cousin Chris in his Elvis adorned room. He is the BIGGEST Elvis fan you will ever meet! But more importantly, despite his handicap circumstance, he is one of the most genuine beautiful happiest souls I've ever met. There is a lot to be learned in that alone.

That's wonderful! I really must see this movie. I am a football fan, but I've only cried once in a game. I'll go with your recommendation for sure. It really is amazing the way God uses us to benefit others and change the world. You certainly are doing that...
I loved Facing the Giants too. As a woman who has been trying to conceive for three years it really was a good reminder that God can do anything and I still love Him, even when things don't work the way I'd want. Thanks for the reminder again.
Wow, two Rachels. For the second one, may I ask who you are? I tried to click on your profile and it wouldn't let me have access. Anyways, that is so courageous of you to share in your struggle to conceive, yet to hear your unshakable faith! I will certainly lift your desire for children up in prayer! Keep me posted on your miracle story that God is writing now!
Hey! My name is Laura and I am from Savannah, Ga... and it is kind of weird, but I kind of just stumbled onto your webpage! I was looking for a graduation dress, when I got side-tracked, haha... I guess I like to get ideas and all for my future wedding...one day! I just wanted you to know, that even though I don't know you, I was really impressed with how you put God as the foundation of your business! Also, it is so nice to know that there are other girls out there who are waiting on God to bring that right man into their life at the right time... it is real encouraging!! Plus, your work is great, too!
I like what you said about faith... that is so true... I know as we put our faith in Him, all things work out... even though we might be going through a storm, or facing a giant like you said, as we praise Him through it, He will surely bring His blessings upon us! TRusting God gets hard at times though, haha... I find myself worrying about things I shouldnt!!! But I always seem to reming myself that it is in Gods hands...not mine. I am sure your business will be blessed even more... I know God will pour His blessings out as you root what you do and your talent in Him. I will definitely have to keep you in mind when it is my turn! Well, I just felt lead to tell you this... I hope you have a wonderful day!
Wow! So many heartfelt responses. Thank you all as well for opening your hearts!! I truly appreciate you all!
Hi Scarlett, this is Jen Lee (jen lee photography)
Scarlett, thanks for posting that. I needed to read this today..it lifted my heart just reading about your Aunt and her sons, Chris and Larry. What a wonderful woman she sounds and how nice of you to send her part of your income. Chris and Larry sound amazing as well and I love the photo of you dancing with Chris. Anyway, this post just totally tugged at my heart strings..sharing about such special individuals made me feel great. Sometimes I feel I take life for granted,and then I'm reminded by the beauty of it. Thank you for reminding me today :)
-jen lee
Scarlett! I just watched that movie with my mom on Saturday. She was bugging me to watch it and I didn't really want to at first (I was voting for The Devil Wears Prada). Anyways, it was really awesome and I SO needed to hear the message(s) that the movie provides. God uses whatever channels he sees fit to speak to us when we most need it! Looks like He spoke to us through the same movie this week :)
Jen and Amy- You girls are awesome! Thanks for sharing how touched you were!
Hey Scarlett! I love it! I did the exact same thing. I didn't make an effort to see that movie...looked cheesy to me for some reason...but I LOVED it. I cried and cried...as soon as I stopped crying, something else would make me cry! There are way too many movies out there that I walk away from discouraged, but this one was all around uplifting and encouraging! I'm glad you liked it too:) God is good.
Hope you are doing well:)
Becca Rocha
Hey Becca! That's so funny that you had a similar experience. God IS good!
Franca: At Church we did a series on Facing the Giants -- and seriously this movie is a must see!
hey i just found your blog.. i love your photography! great couple shots!
This reminds me of a book my wife is now ready by Max Lucado, "Facing Your Giants." When you focus on the Giant (like the Jews did when they saw Goliath), you'll fall. But if, like David, you focus on God and not the Giant, you'll come out ahead!
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