Monday, February 19, 2007

Oodles of Poodles

This weekend, my friend Rachel and I took my baby, Rhett, to the Jacksonville Pet Expo downtown. It was a fun play day for dogs, full of throwing frisbees, air diving contests, smooching contests, and with a rows and rows of booths full of anyone who had something to do with the pet world such as doggy photographers (I don't know why I didn't think of this!) to doggy clothes to pet rescue centers and adoption.

Rhett had so much fun receiving so many free toys and showing off his stylish sweater to all the hot pups he sniffed in passing.

What really pulled at my heart though was passing the Coastal Poodle Rescue booth. Inside, a lady was holding a precious black poodle with no right eye or left leg. The poor thing had such a sad story, but thankfully was saved by the angels that run this rescue mission. I just really admire the ladies who have the heart to give of their time and efforts to give to other poodles in need out there. After all, they are all distant cousins of my sweet boy!

So if you are looking for a poodle to adopt, or even want to provide a foster home to poodles until they are adopted, be sure to check out Here's a few pictures we snapped along the way.

Rhett checking out a potential new "girlfriend".

The wonderful ladies and pups of the Coastal Poodle Rescue.

Rachel falling in love with a Sheltie that she hopes to get later this year.

Smiling with Rhett outside in the dog park.

In other news.... Stay tuned for some cool pictures from Claudette and Rob's engagement session that I shot this afternoon. We gave downtown Jacksonville a New York City spin...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your site, but I'm glad it's back up...just in time to mention our Saturday adventure. Thanks for coming along and taking the picture of me and Lady. Rhett was great! I can't wait to see the Downtown Jacksonville pictures. I'm sure they're beautiful! The weather was great this weekend. Hope you received my other messages. Let me know about Sunday!

9:35 AM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

Awww, makes me want a puppy of my own again!! :( Glad to see you had fun!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Andrew MSV said...

Hi Scarlett!
Secret Fan here.
Great blog...

btw, do you watch The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan on the National Geographic Channel? It's a must for dog owners. :)

oh, and who sings that Modern English cover at your main site? I love it!

Cheers .com

11:49 AM  
Blogger Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

Thanks Andrew for the kind words!! Yes, I have seen the Dog Whisperer. Great show and concept. I really believe in it. It has worked on my dog. I don't even have to walk him on a leash, we are just that connected.

The song is by Nouvelle Vague. They are a french band that has remade a lot of 80s songs. Funny too, everyone keeps telling me that GMC has used the song in their recent television commercial! Small world.

It looks like you are doing great stuff in San Fran in the video world. Having come from video before photography, I know how much hard work you do, so keep rocking!

3:49 PM  
Blogger Jess Cumbie said...

Ummm Scarlett.... I was the photographer in the back of the room taking on site photos of people and their dogs... I remember this girl walking by me saying it was a great idea and that she was a photographer too. Come to think of it she was tall with dark hair... could this mean that we have crossed paths more than once by sheer mishap??? So my question is, was that you!??

2:11 PM  

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