Welcome to my blog! To go along with the launch of
captivating-studios.com, I decided to jump on the band wagon of other wedding videographers and photographers out there with their cool blogs and MySpace pages. This will be a great way to keep you updated on newsworthy happenings with Captivating Studios. I'm excited to also use this as a tool to stay connected with you, so let me know if are interested in trading links.
God has been so good in growing my business over the past year. It's always scary to leave the security of the corporate world, but I took that leap of faith as He was calling me to change directions and follow Him down a new path for my career. What started as a freelance graphic design business, then branched out into wedding videography (which is the last thing I ever imagined myself doing, but I've discovered I absolutely LOVE doing! Maybe it's just because I love love. ha!). With the two businesses rapidly growing in the past few months, I decided it was time to merge them under one umbrella and name. This is how Captivating Studios was born.
God planted the name in my heart for a few different reasons. 1. My favorite book is Captivating by Staci and John Elderedge. 2. What bride doesn't want to look captivating on her wedding day? 3. What business doesn't want the design of their marketing material to hold an audience captive?
And with a new name comes a new redesigned website. If you haven't yet, I invite you to look around the new site, check out my videos, view my designs, and just have fun! (If anything doesn't work right for you, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can look into it.) The extensive gallery of my videos and design projects is in the works as we speak, but I have a few sneak peaks live on the site for your viewing pleasure.
Thanks for checking out my blog! Be sure to leave a comment and post your pinpoint on the map to let me know you were here! And of course, check back soon for more updates on the way...
God bless,