A captivating email
I love being a photographer. But one thing I love more is how God uses my creative gifts as a tool to open up opportunities to inspire others for His glory through the people I meet along the journey of my job. I'm so thankful for others that have shared knowledge and encouragement to me along the way, so I'm always looking for opportunities to give back and pay it forward. It's cool though when you find out about how you helped someone without even knowing you were being used in their lives.
For those that don't know, part of the reason I chose the word "captivating" for my business name was because of how much I loved the book Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by Staci Eldredge
. It is a book that truly changed my life and a must read for every girl, woman and bride. It's even a great book for guys to read to understand the intricate ways God designed a woman's heart.
Tonight I got a beautiful email about Captivating from a photographer friend, Julia Christopher, who brought tears to my eyes. So I just had to share her sweet words.
"Been meaning to tell you for a long time that you are the reason that I bought the book and Scarlett, it is changing my life. I feel like it was written just for me. I just teared up and weeped, it's just beautiful. I just wanted to tell you that the Lord has used you and it is such a blessing. I pray that you will be very blessed and protected this year.
Your fellow Jesus- lovin' picture taker... ;)
Julia "
Thanks so much sweet Julia for taking the time to share your awesome words! You are a beautiful example of a truly captivating person.
And for others reading this, if you haven't read Captivating yet, go read it!

Tonight I got a beautiful email about Captivating from a photographer friend, Julia Christopher, who brought tears to my eyes. So I just had to share her sweet words.

Your fellow Jesus- lovin' picture taker... ;)
Julia "
Thanks so much sweet Julia for taking the time to share your awesome words! You are a beautiful example of a truly captivating person.
And for others reading this, if you haven't read Captivating yet, go read it!
Thats awesome!! What a great testament!
I am about half way through that book, it has really deepend my love for the Lord. Such a blessing!
This is a great book! I am re-reading it again this year. Wonderful post Scarlett.
I agree entirely!!! That is an AWESOME book! I've read it, and shared it with my sister and a few girlfriends. It's very empowering and deepens your love for God. I love that you based your name after it, kudos to you.
Glad to hear the book is blessing a lot of others too!!
Thanks again for inspiring me to grab a copy, it is really changing my life... I wonder what the new one will be like...
Julia- Ooh, is there a new one coming out? I didn't know that! So cool!
there is... I think it is a sequel/devotional.... I'll find out the details and let you know.
Julia, I did actually pick up a new one called "A Captivating Heart", but it's more like a condensed version of Captivating. It was still good though to reread the highlights. That would be cool though if they come out with a sequel.
Another awesome book that will put you on your knees is "Hind's Feet On High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. It is amazing, if you haven't read it I am getting ready to read it again for the second time...
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