Who are you?

Everyday I get hundreds of visitors reading my blog, yet only a few people who leave comments. I'm amazed that so many people take interest in the words and photos I have to share, but I'd like to know now, who are YOU?
I hope you'll take a few moments to leave me a comment at the bottom of this post and answer these questions:
1. What's your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. How did you find my blog?
4. Are you a bride, friend, or another photographer?
5. What is it you like about my blog that keeps you coming back?
6. What is your favorite dessert?
7. What is your passion in life and why?
Name: Leah B.
From: London, Ky.
bludomain website
I am another photographer
I want to be able to capture the natural style that your photography shows (hardly ever posed)
Fav. Dessert:Coca Cola Cake (yummy)
To be the person that God intended me to be and be able to capture moments in time for my clients that they can cherish for a lifetime.
I am David Higginbotham
Decatur, AL
I found your blog through OSP I think
I am a photographer
I have around 100 blogs bookmarked and yours in one of them because I like to view blogs that inspire me to be a better photographer.
I'm not a big dessert guy but I do like chocolate chip cheesecake
My passion is God and being the kind of husband that my wife deserves.
I'm actually from Malaysia. I simply love your work. You're really a great inspiration too. Found your site through a friend of mine. Great stuff!!
1. Kara Pennington
2. Tampa (soon Gainesville), FL
3. through Pictage
4. a photographer
5. i think you are pretty snazzy :)
6. ummm . . . moose tracks ice cream
7. to use my God given talents to bring glory to HIM and share my JOY with others.
1. Name: Joel
2. From: Finland
3. found link from some other blog I guess
4. It's nice to see good pictures and find inspiration to my own work. I have around 80 blogs bookmarked...
5. Daim chocolate cake is quite good. It's swedish I think. Don't know if you can get it in the states.
6. God my saviour, wife and freediving
1. What's your name? Jennifer Grigg
2. Where are you from? Springville, Utah
3. How did you find my blog? OSP
4. Are you a bride, friend, or another photographer? Photographer
5. What is it you like about my blog that keeps you coming back? Excellent work bright pink website
6. What is your favorite dessert? chocolate
7. What is your passion in life and why?
my family' cause they are cute
I'm Rachel Dallaire
I am originally from Michigan, but now reside in Kankakee, IL.
I found you through your website or some other blog-I'm not totally sure which. :-)
I am an aspiring photographer trying to get my own business started and learning all I can.
I love your photography and I love being able to look at your shots and learn what I like and don't like to come up with my own style.
I love brownies, but I'd have to say my absolute favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake (but only if it's made with actual shortcake and not angel food cake).
I have several passions: to serve God with my enitre being so that I can fulfill His purpose for me; my husband whom I love with all of my heart and soul; photography and capturing the little things and moments that make life worth it; reading; and music.
Amy Lahey...Loganville GA...through your myspace...an old friend...I like to see what is going on with you and to be awed by your photos and your incredible talent...ice cream and chocolate chip cookies...To love Jesus and to love and serve people well...
Oh my gosh! I am so excited to see all the new people who I had no idea were visiting! Thanks so much guys for taking the time to answer the questions. It's so awesome to learn more about each of you! I'm excited too to see so many people claiming the Lord as their #1 passion! It's great to be surrounded by and united with so many other believers. Rock on!
1. Kim C.
2. Lubbock, TX
3. From a photographer's blog who was raving about your videos
4. I am an aspiring photographer
5. I have been reading your blog for almost a year and have enjoyed watching your photography business grow and progress. Although your pictures are great, I am really a big fan of your videos and am sad that you are not doing them anymore :(
6. Pecan pie
7. To learn, educate, love, and serve
1. Stephanie
2. Originally Savannah, now living in Macon, GA.
3. I think the bludomain blog.
4. Aspiring photographer!
5. I love your distinct style and the story you tell with your pictures!
6. Key Lime pie.
7. My first passion would be to be the best mom I can be to my four kids. It's a tough job! My second passion is photography. It is a lifelong dream of mine to start a photography business and I am so thrilled to be doing that right now! I just love pictures!
I would love to assist/second shoot with you! I'm sure you hear that 1,000 times a day! I am kind of close to you though!! :o)
1. Tim Davis
2. Lexington KY
3. via OSP at first, now you're on my Bloglines list
4. I'm a very amateur photographer
5. I appreciate your images, humility, attitude, love for God and for others
6. Just one?! Red velvet cake, for starters
7. To walk close to God, genuinely love my wife and kids, be a positive impact in people's lives
Thanks for giving your readers a chance to share!
How fun is this! I love reading all that you are sharing! You guys rock!
Ashley Brockinton
Fort Myers, FL
I think I found you on OSP
I'm a photographer
I feel like we have a bond because of our similar career paths and I want to support you.
I like flourless chocolate cake (I'm allergic to wheat)
My passion is to fulfill God's plans for my life and glorify him and to be the best wife and mom I can be.
Fun exercise! You should add- how often do you check the blog- that would be good to know.
1. Jen Lee (jen lee photography)
2. From Ohio originally, move around quite a bit though due to being a "navy" family. Currently in N.C
3. blu blog
4. another photographer
5. your positivity, innovative style and creativity
6. Godivia Cheescake
7. my daughter, she inspires and makes me celebrate my own life on a daily basis :)
1. What's your name? Jillian Kay
2. Where are you from? California
3. How did you find my blog? OSP
4. Are you a bride, friend, or another photographer? Photog
5. What is it you like about my blog that keeps you coming back? FABULOUS PHOTO INSPRIRATIONRAMA
6. What is your favorite dessert?
hot fudge sundae
7. What is your passion in life and why?
life is my passion. :) i love fun, people, and photographing the amazing details and moments that make life "life".
Amy Wenzel
Grand Rapids, MI
I found you cause we were on the blu domain "betty" site together!! wo hoo!!
I am a photographer =)
I keep coming back because I love your style girl.
Oh, you know me, but why not. :)
Name: Carla Jean
From: Birmingham, Ala.
How: Because you were my BFF in high school. I tend to stay on top of these things. :)
Who: Friend
Why I return: Because I like to check up on how and what you're doing every now and then. :)
Dessert: Oooh. I love dessert. Probably cheesecake, though.
Passion: Oh geez, that's one of those big questions! :) I want to live life fully ... which I think includes being who God made me to be, loving the people around me and excelling in my work (to the best of my ability).
Name: Sara d Harper
From: Valdosta, Ga/ peachtree city, ga/ and nashvegas, TN ( i move alot!)
I am a fellow photographer from OSP and I think you are amazing!
I forgot the other questions...umm..dessert- cheesecake!
Name: Tessa Gilbertson
From: Seattle/Tacoma, Washington
Can't recall how I found your blog
I am another photographer
I love your style, openness to share your life, and your passion for God
Fav dessert - of recent... Bailey's Chololate Mousse
My passion for life... God, my husband, beauty, frienships... too many other's to list!
Beth Crook
Dela - Where?
OSP baby!
You have such a fresh and amazing style!
Creme Brulee
To live my life to it's fullest, because God has blessed me in so many ways!
Name: Franca Renna
Location: Jacksonville, FL
I am your fellow digital artist and interactive designer. In fact, I'm at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, TX! There's a lot of info on blogs! Checkout South by Southwest Conference Panels (Podcasts) and Web Awards revealing top blogs Finalists and Winners! Everyone who has a blog should get the scoop on the latest advancements in Web 2.0!
1. What's your name? rebekah
2. Where are you from? originally from atlanta, currently living in texas
3. How did you find my blog? OSP :-)
4. Are you a bride, friend, or another photographer? newbie photog.
5. What is it you like about my blog that keeps you coming back? your photos, of course! inspiration :)
6. What is your favorite dessert? ice cream.
7. What is your passion in life and why? Jesus Christ, my family & friends, interior design & photography.
Name: Jules
From: Originally SC, now NJ
Found you: OSP
Another photographer
I like: you are an inspiration, your compositions, colors, textures and locations give me lots of ideas
Dessert: chocolate chip cookies
Passion: Storytelling
1. What's your name? Cory Samillano
2. Where are you from? Currently in Jax, FL
3. How did you find my blog? You told me about it and besides it's in my FAVORITES - I love checking ur site and really it inspires to get serious w/ photography (hahaha--one day!).
4. Are you a bride, friend, or another photographer? FRIEND :)
5. What is it you like about my blog that keeps you coming back?
I just love your pictures and like to know where you photography adventure is taking you next :)
6. What is your favorite dessert? Filipino fruit salad.
7. What is your passion in life and why? Jesus, photography, golf, travel --I am so at peace and having fun when I do those hobbies, and well, Jesus is just the real deal :-D
My name is Laura Daniels
I'm from Tennesse, but live in Alabama
I found your site.... hmmm I think from a link on someone's myspace that you photographed.
I am a stay at home mom and part time photographer.
This is the first time I've seen your blog, but I will be back. I love to read the stories and see pictures from other photogs events. I also love to see work of Christian pohtographers too.
Chocolate... anything chocolate!
My passions... God, my family, photography - why? I love them all!
Crazyawesome! I love learning about you all! Thanks for taking the time to answer the Qs!
My name is Donna Bryant.
I live in Yulee, FL grew up in Jacksonville.
I found your blog when I was looking at Cory Hoffmans wedding in Vegas pictures. She is a friend and co-worker of mine. I think your work is absolutly amazing!
I love anything chocolate.
My inspiration is God and seeing people come together to worship Him!
Donna, it's great to have you here! I'm glad you like Cory's wedding pics!
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