In journalism school, I learned the best stories were found in the rewriting process. The same is often true with design.
This weekend I put the Captivating Studios website through an extreme makeover.. again. As I slowly start to phase out the design part of my business and focus more exclusively on weddings, I needed a website to reflect that. I also learned at a design conference, sure, you can take on all genre's of work, but until you learn to focus on the one genre you are passionate about, you will kill yourself trying to take on too much and be unhappy doing it. I guess sometimes we just learn the hard way.
I do still love to design, but I love more the opportunity wedding cinematography gives me to build relationships with the bride and families and create a product that they will cherish for many years to come. Plus, it's exciting to bring my design background into the crafting of this new form of art as I continue to grow in my knowledge of cinematography. As I watched a movie about Mother Theresa today, one of her quotes stayed with me:
"I am the pencil by which God writes with. He is the ultimate author."
This quote taps into my passion for filming weddings. I feel like the pencil being used to write (film) your love story.
Enjoy the new
website! Keep an eye out for a new demo reel and other films to be added in the next few weeks.
p.s. I'm excited to share I just found out that the new website was chosen to be showcased in a design gallery. Check out my profile
p.p.s. In addition to the website redo, the company that hosts my website was going through it's own extreme makeover this weekend updating it's servers, and I haven't been able to receive email the past 24 hours. If you sent anything to me, please resend. :-)